A Year of Giving Back to Elderly Communities


The Cause & Our Impact

We are happy to share some updates on the results of the KPMG ITS Sofia CSR initiative supporting Nursing Homes for Elderly People.

The initiative kick started in December 2022, and was only possible with the donations of our employees, the total amount of which was matched by KPMG ITS.

During the year our CSR team contacted 3 Homes for the Elderly and established a list of items which will help improve living conditions in the homes of Lipnitsa, Kocherinovo and Hairedin.

In the spirit of transparency, we have listed all donated items and their values below as follows:

  • Lipnitsa Home for the Elderly – 2 refrigerators, washing and dryer machines and 20 specialized medical mattresses, with total amount of BGN 6 593,57
  • Kocherinovo Home for the Elderly – sleeping sets, pillows and duvets for the 60 residents, with total amount of BGN  3 485,52
  • Hairedin Home for the Elderly – 20 specialized medical mattresses, with total amount of BGN 6 948,00

The total donations for the three homes amount to BGN 17 027.

This mission was led by Borislav Peev, Lina Chalakova, and Elina Galanis. A big thank you to the CSR team and the time invested, amounting to more than 40 hours, dedicated to this mission!

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